If another apparatus is required and not shown here, please contact us directly.
Arsenic Determination Apparatus Model 1
Arsenic Determination Apparatus Model 1, Linex
Reference 36 10 101 Complete Aparattus Round Bottom Flask, 500 ml, NS 29/32 Charging Head with Stopcock, NS 29/32 Spiral Condenser, 200 mm, NS 19/26 Consult us for more measures.
May be usefull: Round Bottom Flask with Socket, Spiral Condenser
Arsenic Determination Apparatus Model 2
Arsenic Determination Apparatus Model 2, Linex
Reference 36 10 100 Complete Erlenmeyer Flask, 100 ml, NS 24/29 Reagent Tube Charge Tube Consult us for more measures.
May be usefull: Erlenmeyer Flask with Socket
Columns-Cromatography Model 1
Columns-Cromatography Model 1, Linex
REF. COMPOSTO POR: 3618100 COMPLETO Adaptador Curvo Ampola 100 ml Coluna Mod.1 Balão Erlenmeyer 100 ml -
Columns-Cromatography Model 2
Columns-Cromatography Model 2, Linex
REF. COMPOSTO POR: 3618101 COMPLETO Adaptador Curvo Ampola 250 ml Coluna Mod.2 Balão Erlenmeyer 500 ml -
Macro Kjeldahl Distiling Apparatus
Macro Kjeldahl Distiling Apparatus, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3604100 Completo Refrigerante Recto
IN 19Ampola Aberta com Embolo
IN 10/19 e IN 19/26Balão Kjeldahl
IN 24/29Adaptador Múltiplo
IN 19/26 e 24/29Ampola Retrogradação
IN 19/26 e IN 19 -
Vigreux Distillator
Vigreux Distillator, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3613100 Completo Refrigerante Pontas Vigreux
IN 29/32Balão Fundo Redondo 2000 ml
IN 29/32 -
Aparelho de destilação simples para escolas
Aparelho de destilação simples para escolas em vidro Borosilicato 3.3, marca Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 1208139 Balão Fundo Redondo 50 ml
IN 24/292504102 Refrigerante Liebig Recto
400 ml1013117 Adaptador para Termómetro -
Complete Dean Stark Apparatus Model 1
Complete Dean Stark Apparatus Model 1, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3609100 Refrigerante Liebig Tubo Receptor Balão de Fundo Redondo Completo com Tubo Receptor 10 ml -
Complete Dean Stark Apparatus Model 2
Complete Dean Stark Apparatus Model 2, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3609101 Refrigerante Liebig Tubo Receptor Balão de Fundo Redondo Completo com Tubo Receptor 25 ml -
Gas Analysis Apparatus, Portable
Gas Analysis Apparatus, Portable, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3615100 Completo Bureta 0-50-100 ml Camisa para bureta Torneiras em T Tubo filtro para entrada de gás Suporte em madeira Câmara contacto
(cobre e tubos em vidro)Vaso inferior (3 unidades) Câmara de borboteio Câmara de contacto
(tubos de vidro)Frasco nível de 250 ml -
Thielepape Extractors with Dimroth Condenser
Thielepape Extractors with Dimroth Condenser, Linex
REFRIGERANTE DIMROTH COMP. (mm) 100 150 250 IN MACHO 34/35 45/40 45/50 EXTRACTOR THIELEPAPE CAP. (ml) 30 150 250 IN FÊMEA 29/32 45/50 45/50 IN MACHO 29/32 29/32 29/32 BALÃO DE FUNDO REDONDO CAP. (ml) 100 250 500 IN FÊMEA 29/32 29/32 29/32 COMPLETO REF. 3616100 3616101 3616102 -
Micro Determination of Alcohol in Blood
Micro Determination of Alcohol in Blood, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3606100 Completo Balão 50 ml com IN 24/29 Cabeça com IN 24/29 e cápsula de 2 ml -
Checking Nitrogen Apparatus
Checking Nitrogen Apparatus, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3611100 Completo Ampola Cilíndrica com Placa Porosa Ampola Esférica com Ângulo de 45º ou Recta Balão de Kjeldahl de 500 ml -
Reichert-Meissl Apparatus
Reichert-Meissl Apparatus, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3612100 Completo Balão Fundo Redondo 500 ml IN 29/32 Tubo Destilação IN 29/32 Refrigerante Recto IN 29/32 Balão Graduado 100-100 ml Tubo de Carga com Torneira 20 ml, graduado 1/1 Tubo de Carga com IN -
Soxhlet Apparatus
Complete Soxhlet Apparatus manufactured in borosilicate 3.3 glass, Linex brand.
Puting all together a complete apparatus is formed by the condenser, an extractor and a flat bottom flask wih socket.
In order to assemble the apparatus correctly the condenser must be on the top, followed by the extractor and at the bottom will be the flat bottom flask with socket. All this pieces are connected to each other by ground joints.
There are different capacities witch are determinated by the extractor’s own capacity.
Originally this apparatus was created by Franz von Soxhlet to extract lipids from solid materials.
To know more about this apparatus you can click here.
Condenser Lenght (mm) 100 150 200 250 300 300 Conical Joint 34/35 34/35 45/50 45/50 45/50 50/55 Extractor Capacity (ml) 25 50 125 250 500 1000 Socket 34/35 34/35 45/50 45/50 45/50 55/50 Conical Joint 29/32 29/32 29/32 29/32 29/32 29/32 Flat Bottom Flask with Socket Capacity (ml) 50 100 250 500 1000 2000 Socket 24/29 29/32 29/32 29/32 29/32 29/32 Reference 36 03 101 36 03 102 36 03 100 36 03 103 36 03 104 36 03 105 Consult us for more measures.
May be usefull:Soxhlet Condenser, Soxhlet Extractor, Flat Bottom Flask with Socket
Drying Apparatus, Vacuum, Abderhalden, Complete
Drying Apparatus, Vacuum, Abderhalden, Complete, Linex
REF. CARACTERÍSTICAS 3617100 Completo Balão Fundo Redondo IN Fêmea 24/29 Balão Dessecador IN Fêmea 45/50 Corpo Central IN Macho 45/50 e dois 24/29 Refrigerante de Bolas 200 mm In Macho 24/29 -
Detailed Drawing of Combustion and Absorption Apparatus (A.S.T.M.)